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Unveiling the BYOD Business SIM™: Meet Mobile-X Extend

Posted by Tango Marketing
October 21, 2021

We are excited to announce Mobile-X Extend, the communications industry’s first service using a modern electronic SIM (eSIM) to instantly add a business-controlled extension to a mobile phone.

Mobile-X Extend places a full-featured, secure and controlled business phone on employees’ BYOD devices.

Now employees can use their own mobile phones for business communications with a business identity...

The new channel opportunity: supporting hybrid work models with 'mobile first' communications

Mobile communications technology has become the centerpiece of new hybrid work models taking hold in businesses around the world.

That's the focus of a new interview with Andrew Bale, our General Manager of Cloud Services, published in today's issue of Comms Business and in a video podcast.

Comms Business Editor Charlotte Hathway discusses with Andrew the new channel opportunity for supporting...

Work-from-anywhere communications: How to avoid missing two-thirds of your business calls

Imagine you run a small shop, say a kitchen goods store. And imagine that you have a healthy volume of customers walking in every day to buy.

But now imagine that for some strange reason, you are unable to speak to two out of every three of these customers. When they inquire about buying your products, these customers must leave messages for you. Then you get back to them some time later, perhaps...

Communication Fragmentation: How Work-from-Anywhere can make communication Bewildering

I was late to the virtual meeting. It's not because I was in another meeting that ran over. I wasn't caught up in another task. I wasn't grabbing a bite to eat.No. I was trying to get one video conferencing app to let go of my laptop camera, so another video conferencing app could take over. 

I finally gave up and turned to the one device I could rely on to get me into the meeting: I dialed in on...

Work-from-Anywhere Communications: How to Maximize Productivity of the Distributed Workforce

There is only one device that works equally well no matter where your employees are working: the mobile phone.

Last year's forced cut-over to Work-from-Home practices and now the emerging hybrid work models saw a rise in the use of various video conferencing and similar apps.

But now many companies are permitting employees to work from any location. Mobile phones are the only devices that can...

Fixed-Mobile Convergence paves the way toward the micro-services future and the ‘Market of One’

Mobile communications services and the mobile phone are now the pervasive, dominant communications tools for consumers and business users alike.

And innovations such as Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT) and Private LTE in combination with the new generation of Fixed-Mobile Convergence (FMC) promise to create even more compelling use cases for mobile communications.

What will that future look like?

What happened 75 years ago this week that we all now take for granted?

Posted by Philip Hesketh, Head of Channels EMEA
June 18, 2021

On 17 June 1946, a driver in St. Louis pulled out a handset from under his car’s dashboard, placed a phone call and made history. It was the first mobile telephone call, placed on a system inaugurated by Southwestern Bell, one of AT&T’s local operating companies.

The service was only available in major cities and highway corridors and was aimed at the business user, including utility companies...

Fixed-Mobile Convergence evolves to become the centerpiece of business communications

The promise of Fixed-Mobile Convergence (FMC) was realized only partially at best in the last generation of mobile technologies. But now the new generation of FMC based on native mobile services is radically transforming how business users communicate and even where and how work is conducted.

To explore how this communications revolution came about, it’s helpful to look at the roots of mobile...

Mobile Unified Communications In the News: Tango Networks cited for business mobile innovation

Posted by Tango Marketing
May 3, 2021

Mobile Unified Communications is becoming the lynchpin of business communications. In fact, it's not a stretch to say that Unified Communications is first and foremost mobile now and into the future.

Several recent articles in industry publications are highlighting key aspects of the evolution in business mobile services, describing Tango Networks as one of the companies driving these...

Going ‘Mobile First’ with Communications Drives IT Efficiencies

IT managers in businesses have faced a “perfect storm” of challenges in the past year.

  • As the pandemic disrupted operations, IT leaders were tasked with figuring out how to support a suddenly distributed workforce
  • Virtually overnight companies of all shapes and sizes went from longstanding office routines to working remotely. IT teams were ordered to find and implement the tools to make this...

October 11, 2021

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