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New Analyst Research Highlights Shift to ‘Mobile Only’ Business Communications

Posted by Mark Brunwin
April 23, 2024

It has been a long time coming. But we now see signs that going fully mobile is the preferred way of communications for business users.

If you make any business calls outside the office – like a frontline worker always on the go or a knowledge worker with a hybrid work schedule – then the odds are that you use your personal mobile phone for work at some point.

FCC Funds Telehealth Solutions: Try OnGo

This posting was originally posted on the CBRS Alliance blog. You can read the original post here.

Healthcare Connectivity Challenges: Join Us On CBRS Alliance Webinar

Posted by Tango Marketing
May 6, 2020

Join us for an upcoming webinar focusing on how new connectivity technologies can tame some of the communications challenges facing modern healthcare organizations.

Perhaps no other industry has been revolutionized by technology as much as healthcare.

Mobile devices, wireless access, digitized records, smart sensors, internet of things and a range of other innovations have swept through medical...

Connected Care with Mobile-X: Communications with Control

Healthcare operations are being revolutionized by new communications technology, including mobile devices, video consultation, messaging and smart devices.

See modern mobility for healthcare at the @Vidyo Summit, #VidyoHCS

Posted by Tango Marketing
October 24, 2017

We’re highlighting an exciting new approach to mobile communications for healthcare enterprises at Vidyo’s Healthcare Summit in Nashville next week.

Our Mobile-X solution empowers clinicians and other healthcare professionals to engage in compliant mobile voice, text and video communications with patients and others.

Prescription: Mobile for Healthcare

Posted by Tango Marketing
August 17, 2015

From a costs standpoint, the healthcare industry is pinched from all sides. Hospitals and other healthcare players are doing their best to keep expenses down, while providing ever-advancing medical care and technology, and all in the face of often dwindling reimbursement rates from health insurers and governments.

October 11, 2021

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