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Customer Experience Management with Mobility

The impact of Customer Experience Management (CXM) is undeniable.

Companies that proactively manage the customer experience regularly outperform others in terms of customer retention, satisfaction and, as research show, profitability.

Can your staff text with Millennials? Or are your competitors capturing this market?

Do you offer products or services to people born after 1982 and before 2000, the Millennials?

Why is mobile UC app adoption ‘practically nil’?

Posted by Tango Marketing
June 7, 2018

Going mobile with Unified Communications has been an increasingly important goal for enterprises.

Ending the #mobility blind spot … @TelecomReseller interviews Tango Networks

Posted by Tango Marketing
May 30, 2018

The mobility “blind spot” is hampering companies from maximizing the impact and value of modern mobility for their operations.

Your mobile workforce, your mobile strategy … ready for “mobile first”?

Supporting your mobile workforce today means a lot more than just allowing your staff to use mobile devices for their day-to-day tasks.

Countdown to GDPR: is your mobile program compliant?

A new European regulation goes into effect on May 25 that can have a major impact on how your enterprise mobility program operates.

Mobile UC made easy (and compliant)

Posted by Tango Marketing
May 4, 2018

Enterprises around the world are adopting mobile Unified Communications, empowering their employees to be more effective at getting work done anytime and anywhere.

Mobile Call Recording: Four tips for doing it right

Smart enterprises are being proactive about communications compliance as they implement mobile communications in their environments.

Expanding your Cisco Jabber adoption with SMS messaging

Customers have a widening set of choices for communicating with companies.

Mobile strategies for Financial Services firms … 5 questions with Lee Essex

Posted by Tango Marketing
April 10, 2018

We’re excited at Tango Networks to be joined by Lee Essex, a longtime telecom industry veteran and expert in enterprise mobility technologies based in the UK.

October 11, 2021

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