Welcome the Kinetic Communications Pl, a New Era of Communications

Home > Tango Networks Blog Welcome the Kinetic Communications Pl, a New Era of Communications

Posted by Tango Marketing

October 10, 2016

handtablet.jpgToday we’re excited to unveil Mobile-X, a groundbreaking new approach to managing mobile communications for your enterprise.

Everyone knows that mobile phones have had a profound impact on how we do business in today’s companies.

We work anywhere, at any time. We are ultra-responsive, with high availability to optimize our partner and customer interactions. And our enterprise processes are streamlined with workflows that encompass remote workers and road-warriors on the go.

But managing how our corporate communications services like telephony and text messaging are handled on these devices is a challenge.

How do you extend and control the voice and text communication from your enterprise PBX or Unified Communications server to your employees’ mobile devices?

How do you do so in multi-vendor environments, with different models of mobile devices and different makes of PBX/UC?

How do you ensure that the communication remains compliant, recorded and logged, even if the user is on a personal device?

How do you ensure that the user experience on the mobile is intuitive and simple, so straight-forward that users can't circumvent your policies and compliance rules?

How do you manage dual personas on phones, so that the user’s private communications remain private and the business communications come from the corporate number?

These are precisely the challenges Mobile-X will solve for you.

A decade in development, producing more than 50 patents, Mobile-X delivers a simple, unified approach to enterprise communications mobility.

The platform provides:

  • Rich UC on any mobile device
  • Highly intuitive user experience, enabling options for the native mobile interface as an enterprise end-point or a vendor-agnostic, highly intuitive app
  • Vendor-agnostic UC support, for simple orchestration in multi-vendor environments
  • Easy Dual Persona management, enforced in the network, not on the device

Visit Mobile-X  to learn more about this breakthrough in mobile enterprise communications.

Download the latest Trend Advisor on Mobility for the Modern Enterprise.



Tagged : Tango Networks

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