Gain visibility into customer insights

Home > Tango Networks Blog Gain visibility into customer insights

Posted by Tango Marketing

July 6, 2017


Winning and keeping customers gets a lot easier with the right information.

How much contact is there between your sales team and target prospects? How many interactions does it take to win a deal?

 How often do customers call for assistance with your product or service? How quickly are such issues resolved?

 What are your customers saying about your company and its offerings during these interactions? Is satisfaction high, or is churn risk higher?

These are the kinds of insights that Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Workforce Optimization (WFO) and Customer Engagement Management (CEM) solutions look to provide. 

In today’s increasingly competitive markets, these insights are of critical importance for a business to succeed and thrive. 

Mobilizing CRM, WFO & CEM

At the same time as customer engagement has become increasingly critical, our workforces have become increasingly mobile. 

With cell phone penetration in the US nearly 100% among working age adults, mobile phones are often the primary mode of communication.

Yet too often our CRM, WFO and CEM processes are integrated only with our landline communication systems.

Tango Networks has solved this problem, enabling your customer engagement processes to be seamlessly extended to your mobile workforce.


Mobile-X from Tango Networks turns your employees’ mobile devices into extensions of your existing communications systems.

Mobile-X’s mobile customer engagement solutions enable you to use the same WFO, call quality assurance, recording, archiving and compliance tools with mobile phones.

The platform also enables automatic call logging and record keeping for your CRM system, such as with the platform’s integration with

The system also simplifies your support for employees’ personal devices such as in a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) program.

Mobile-X from Tango Networks is the centerpiece of a wide range of use cases, including Mobile Unified Communications, mobile workforce communications, and programs for remote working, work from home, telecommuting and business continuity.

Contact us today for a personal demonstration of Mobile-X.

  Book a Demo!


Tagged : Tango Networks, customer experience, mobile, customer journey, salesforce

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