Tango Networks Blog

Do your employees send emails to customers from personal Gmail accounts? Then why are mobile calls different?

Written by Tango Marketing | Apr 28, 2017 2:16:00 PM

The “face” you put before customers has a major impact on your brand and potential for growth.

The polish, professionalism and clarity of your digital brand elements and your communications with customers all shape their perceptions of you.

Would you want your employees sending emails to customers from their personal Gmail accounts?

 Of course not. Email is such a vital tool for communications with customers, virtually every company has established signatures, styles and other rules of email etiquette to ensure that email communications are professional and support the company identity.

So why would you permit your employees’ voice communications to work against the professionalism and polish of your company’s identity and brand? 

Mobile phones are used by virtually every employee today. But when an employee places a call to a customer from a mobile device, the customer sees an inbound call coming from a number they probably won’t recognize.

It’s like the employee sent an email from their personal Gmail account. It looks unprofessional, can be confusing to the customer, and it misses a chance to reinforce your company’s brand identity. 

Even more importantly, the calls coming from the employee’s mobile device are outside the scope of your quality assurance and compliance programs. If you have a field service workforce or distributed employees on the go, these “out of scope” mobile communications can add up to a large percentage of the communications with your customers.

One Identity, Fully Compliant

Mobile-X from Tango Networks enables all your employees’ mobile phones – including Bring Your Own Devices – to be extensions of your existing corporate communications systems.

This means calls to and from the devices use the corporate number and identity, not the identity of the mobile device or employee. Customers see an in-bound call from your main corporate number, none the wiser that the caller is on a mobile device.

The calls are also in scope for all quality assurance and compliance monitoring, recording and archiving. The same centralized compliance and quality analytics systems you use with your employees’ landline phones can now be used with mobile devices with no modifications.

With Mobile-X, your employees’ mobile calls now will support and enhance your corporate identity and create that all-important polished impression with your customers.

Mobile-X from Tango Networks is the centerpiece of a wide range of use cases, including Mobile Unified Communications, mobile workforce communications, and programs for remote working, work from home, telecommuting and business continuity.

Learn more and contact us today for a personalized demonstration.