Prescription: Mobile for Healthcare

Home > Tango Networks Blog Prescription: Mobile for Healthcare

Posted by Tango Marketing

August 17, 2015

From a costs standpoint, the healthcare industry is pinched from all sides. Hospitals and other healthcare players are doing their best to keep expenses down, while providing ever-advancing medical care and technology, and all in the face of often dwindling reimbursement rates from health insurers and governments.

healthcare imageYes, everybody's facing expense and revenue challenges in today's economy, but you have to admit, healthcare organizations have some unique issues to deal with. One of those issues is optimizing mobility and the use of mobile devices. Healthcare as an industry has lagged a bit behind other industries in advancing its communications methods.

Carrie Cardoso Côté, Senior Marketing Manager for the App Ecosystem team at our partner BlackBerry, has written a piece at the BlackBerry Business Blogs that really sums up today's healthcare environment. She also talks about what BlackBerry and Tango Networks do together to address the issues that healthcare users face.

She talks about how Tango Networks and BlackBerry engineers collaborate to create a seamless experience for healthcare organizations, by combining our Enterprise Mobility services in conjunction with their BES12 enterprise mobility management solution. That yields benefits such as Mobile Call Recording, Wireless Business Continuity, single-number access, and integration with most any PBX and unified communications platform.

As she concludes, effective communications is critical in healthcare, and that means moving beyond outdated systems and noncompliant channels. The Tango Networks-BlackBerry combination can deliver what healthcare organizations need, improving their communications and productivity while saving them money.

Tagged : BlackBerry, healthcare mobile trends, healthcare mobility trends, mobile call recording, Tango Networks, wireless business continuity

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